Domain Instructions

Domains for this shop

Active domains

The following domains have been assigned to this shop and are currently active.

Additional domain names can be added to your shop on the Shop Settings page in the Manage Shop area of your Storbie shop. Log in to manage your shop.

If you would like to learn more about domain names, or you do not currently own a domain name and you would like to register one, additional information is available on our support website.

Domain configuration

Each domain needs to be configured to point to your Storbie shop. This requires changes to the DNS records for that domain. If that domain is hosted with us we can make the required changes on your behalf. If your domain name is hosted with another domain registrar you can ask them to make the necessary changes, by sending them a link to this page. If you are experienced with domain name management then you may be able to perform this change yourself via their website. Once the domain has been updated there may be a waiting period while the change propagates throughout the internet.
